- 1639 - First Baptist congregation was formed in Providence, RI
- 1683 - First Mennonite groups in America settled in Pennsylvania
- 1774 - First Shaker group established at Watervliet, NY
- 1789 - Episcopal church separated its ties to the Church of England
- 1804 - Disciples of Christ began in Kentucky & western
- 1816 - African Methodist Episcopal Church
- 1820 - African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
- 1830 - Joseph Smith founds the Morman church at Fayette, NY
- 1842 - The Amana group migrated to America settling in Ebenezer, NY
and later moving to Iowa
- 1843 - Wesleyan Methodist Church of America began
- 1844 - Joseph Smith, founder of Mormans is killed by lynch mob
- 1847 - Mormans now led by Brigham Young found Salt Lake City
- 1860 - Free Methodist Church began
- 1870 - Methodist Episcopal Church began
- 1871 - Charles Russel founds the Jehovah Witness
- 1875 - Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science publishes
Science & Health.
- 1895 - Church of the Nazarene founded in Los Angeles, CA
Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your
husband, smile at your children, smile at each other - - -it doesn't
matter who it is - - and that will help you to grow up in greater love
for each other. Mother Teresa...1910-1997.